Council recently approved the Economic Development Strategic Action Plan as the strategic framework for the delivery of economic development services over the next 5 year planning cycle.

Through extensive community engagement, approximately 300 stakeholders were consulted throughout the process. The consultation consisted of one-on-one interviews, an online survey open to the public, eight focus groups based on key stakeholder groups and a working session with targeted community leaders and economic development stakeholders. From this consultation process, 6 strategic themes emerged as priorities:

  • Creating a Competitive Climate for Business Retention and Expansion
  • Becoming more Investment Ready
  • Continue Planning for Sustainable Distinct Downtowns
  • Strategic Communications, Connecting Partners & Conveying a Clear Message
  • Building Tourism and Arts, History and Culture as main Economic Drivers
  • Continue Growing Innovative Agriculture and Agri-Business

If you have any questions, please contact our Economic Development Officer by calling 519-846-9691 x304 or email us at


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