Project Update - November 21, 2023

  • Construction is complete
  • The road and bridge opened to through traffic

Project Update - June 6, 2023

  • Construction on Bridge 16-WG is currently underway

Project Update - May 16, 2023

  • Construction is scheduled to start this week
  • Residents may notice increased activity around the bridge as the contractor mobilizes the site

The Municipal Class Environmental Study stage of the project has been completed, and the project is now in the detailed design stage.

Bridge 16-WG Project File Report Schedule "B" Municipal Class Environmental Study - FINAL REPORT, January 20, 2022

The Project

The Township of Centre Wellington is conducting a review of a bridge to address its advanced state of deterioration. The bridge (16-WG) is located within the former Township of West Garafraxa, and is illustrated on the key plan below. Bridge 16-WG is located on 5th Line between Wellington Road 19 and Sideroad 15 in the rural area to the north of Fergus. Bridge 16-WG is a single lane, single span concrete spandrel arch over Irvine Creek that was constructed circa 1910. At this time, due to poor condition, Bridge 16-WG is closed for public use.

The Study Process
The Study is being conducted in accordance with Schedule B of the Municipal Class Environmental Assessment process (October 2000, as amended). The study will confirm and document the existing structural deficiencies and identify alternative solutions, including rehabilitation or replacement of the structure. The environmental impacts of each alternative will be evaluated and in consultation with the members of the public, agencies, and Indigenous Communities, a preferred bridge solution will be selected.

If you missed our online public open house, you can view it here.

On Monday, November 22, staff presented the following report and preferred option for the Bridge 16-WG study at the Committee of the Whole meeting. Based on the feedback received through the consultation process and on the evaluation, assessment using technical (traffic operations, structural, safety, durability), natural environment, social and cultural environment, and financial criteria, the preferred solution - Alternative 3 - Replace Existing Bridge with New Structure was approved by Council.

Bridge 16-WG Notice of Study Completion - December 2, 2021


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