The Project
The Township of Centre Wellington has initiated the South Fergus Master Environmental Servicing Plan (MESP) and Secondary Plan, and the purpose is to guide the development of the remaining designated greenfield lands in South Fergus. The South Fergus MESP and Secondary Plan will integrate environmental, servicing, transportation and land use planning components and will include: environmental study; traffic and transportation study; servicing studies (stormwater, sanitary sewer, and water), archaeological and heritage assessment, financial analysis, parks and trails analysis and a Secondary Plan. The MESP will document existing conditions, develop land use alternatives, and select a preferred land use plan to be implemented through the Secondary Plan. The Secondary Plan will establish the land use designations and policy framework to be included in the Township Official Plan.

The Study Process
The Study is being conducted by The Township of Centre Wellington and is participating with area landowners who are undertaking the MESP and Secondary Plan Study. MHBC is leading a team of qualified professionals for completion of the Study. A Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) has been established, including the County of Wellington, Township of Centre Wellington and the Grand River Conservation Authority. Consultation will occur with Provincial ministries, affected stakeholders and agencies through the Study process for technical input and comments, as required.

How to Participate
There were three (3) Public Information Centres (PIC) planned throughout the Study process. All of these PIC's are complete. For more information, presentations and information can be found in the document library to the right of this page.

We want to hear from you!
The public is invited to follow the Study through the process and provide input through this forum. If you have any questions or comments regarding the study, or would like to be included on the mailing list to receive future notices and study updates, please contact:

David Aston, MSc., MCIP, RPP
540 Bingemans Centre Drive, Suite 200 Kitchener, ON N2B 3X9
Tel: (519) 576-3650